Convenience store ID photos ¥200|Pic-chan|How to use Pic-chan

ID photos are just ¥200! Take a photo on your smartphone and print it at the convenience store.

Convenience store ID photos ¥200

product image of Convenience store ID photos

How to use Pic-chan

With "Pic-chan convenience store ID photos," making ID photos is quick and easy.

Step1 Take your photo

Take a photo with your smartphone.
If you prefer, you can use data of a photo taken at a photo studio or with a digital camera.

*Please take the photo in front of a white wall, for example, as the photo background cannot be changed.

Step2 Register your photo

Select the ID photo size and upload your photo.

Step3 Receive a print confirmation number

A print confirmation number will be shown on the screen and sent to you by e-mail.
Please note down the number.

Step4 Print the photo at a convenience store.

How to print at 7-Eleven 7-Eleven


On the 7-Eleven Multi Copy Machine screen, select the "net print (ネットプリント)" button. Enter the "print confirmation number (プリント予約番号)." Check the printing details and price on the confirmation screen.

Deposit the fee in the coin slot and press "start printing (プリントスタート)." Printing will begin..

Detailed instructions for printing at 7-Eleven

How to print at Lawson, Family Mart, POPLAR, MINISTOP, Seicomart, Daily Yamazaki LawsonFamily MartPOPLARMINISTOPSeicomartDaily Yamazaki


How to print at Lawson, Family Mart, POPLAR, MINISTOP On the Lawson, Family Mart, POPLAR, MINISTOP, Seicomart, Daily YamazakiMulti Copy Machine screen, select the "contents service (コンテンツサービス)" button. Then select "contents service (コンテンツサービス)" --> "print (いつでもプリント)" --> "specify number and print (番号を指定してプリント)" Lastly, enter the "print confirmation number (プリント予約番号)" and deposit the fee. Printing will begin.

Detailed instructions for printing at Lawson
Detailed instructions for printing at Family Mart
Detailed instructions for printing at MINISTOP
Detailed instructions for printing at POPLAR
Detailed instructions for printing at Seicomart, Daily Yamazaki


Make your ID photos