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ID photos are just ¥200! Take a photo on your smartphone and print it at the convenience store.

Convenience store ID photos ¥200

product image of Convenience store ID photos

ご利用実績800万人! 対応コンビニ58,000店舗!



product image of Convenience store ID photos
  1. Advantage 1Low price - ¥200 per sheet of photos
  2. Advantage 2No app needed! Registration is easy - takes just 1 minute
  3. Advantage 3Instant printing at a convenience store near you - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  1. ❶ Take your photoStep1
  2. ❷ Register your photoStep2
  3. ❸ Confirm your print numberStep3
  4. ❹ Print your photos at a convenience storeStep4

Make your ID photos
